How do I switch to MacDock from my current host?

It is possible to change hosts without experiencing an interruption to your site/email service.  Best results are usually achieved by following these steps - Leave your hosting with your current provider in place until you've completed all steps:

1.  Signup for a MacDock Hosting account.  During signup, choose the "I will update my own nameservers" option in regard to your domain.
2.  Using the temporary server info provided in your signup email, publish your web files to our servers.
3.  Login to the control panel and create email accounts that correspond with your accounts at your existing host.
4.  Login to your domain account with your domain registrar.  Point your domain to:  NS1.MACDOCK.COM and NS2.MACDOCK.COM

Because domain changes can take 24-48 hours to filter down through the internet, during this time period you may receive some mail at your old host and some email at MacDock - you can check your MacDock email at

5.  After 48 hours, update your mail application to utilize MacDock's mail servers as this is where all of your mail should be received.
6.  Terminate your hosting account at your old provider.
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